Monday, June 27, 2011


People celebrate for many different reasons... I am celebrating something very special to me... AFTER 11 YEARS OF TRYING (though not consistently)... it would seem that for now at least my doctor and I have found the right balance of medications for me :) I have been cleared for now and don't have to go and see her for another three months (instead of every two to three weeks), unless something goes wrong and I feel like something is out of whack and then I can call and schedule an appointment any time before then.

This is a totally big deal for me... It took about 4 months but I got here :) I was patient and I did it :) this is a huge freaking step for me and I am soooooo excited.  I just don't think anyone around me gets how big of a deal this really is, lol.  My sister calls me regularly to tell me about her weight loss, she's down almost 70 pounds now, and sure I'm proud of her, though most of the time I'm sure she's just gloating at this point... so I called her to tell her of my psychological breath through... and I said, hey I might still be fat, but I'm balanced woohoo... she was like, yeah that's definitely better than fat and crazy.  (bitch)

Fuck it... I'm happy.  I'm proud of myself, even if no one else gets it.  I've never been here before and this is a huge milestone for me.  I haven't drank any alcohol in months and while I never really had a problem with it, I gave it up because I didn't want it to interfere with the medication(s) working... I haven't done any kind of drugs IN YEARS... my only  problem now a days is food and not exercising so I guess after I finish moving and surviving the current stressors in my life... I will conquer those obstacles... because the thing that I used to consider an evil beast--medication, is now nothing more than a tamed teddy bear.

How exciting.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, I suffer from Panic/Anxiety disorder and was diagnosed 10 years ago Bipolar. The Dr. Said it wasn't that bad but I know I have been living with it as long as I can remember. It's nice to know that medication can help someone! I was just put on meds last month that landed me in the hospital and leaving my career in corrections.....and good luck with your weight loss...I'm in the same sinking just got married and on our cruise gained 9 pounds and now that has gone up to 15...which doesn't seem bad..but I'm only 5' wife loves me either I'm lucky..high five on your accomplishment!
