Thursday, April 25, 2013

it's all sinking in

So Jen has now gone from wanting to write the manufacturers of Lithium and tell them they rock to asking me repetitively why the doctor decided to increase my dose...  She feels like I'm moving backwards rather than forward and is genuinely concerned.

I can see changes but only in the sense of side effects.  My hand tremor is more predominant, my guts (insides in general) are all out of wack, and I'm pretty tired.  Granted I need to find a way to force myself to go to bed earlier I haven't made it to that point yet. I usually go to sleep around 11 only to get up at about 4:40 in the am... several nights of that and it's no wonder I'm I can't blame it all on the medicine.

For now, I'm not giving up on it by any means.  What it boils down to is that Jen may feel I'm moving in the wrong direction, but what she isn't taking into account is that if I was truly bad off that she'd be battling with my manic side and since that hasn't been an issue, I'm completely content.

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